empty nester. expatriate. travel enthusiast. german language learner.
here is where i will share my experience of moving to a new country, learning a new language, and traveling to new places.
Trip to Paris
Interesting things I’ve learned about Switzerland
Sonntagsnachrichten (Sunday news)
Wilkommen in der Schweiz! (Part 2/Teil 2)
Part 2 of our epic journey to go live in Switzerland
Wilkommen in der Schweiz! (Teil 1/Part 1)
I am sitting on my bed in our temporary flat on Wasserwerkstrasse writing this post and listening to the Kirchenglocken (church bells) chiming outside our open windows.
how to pack to move to europe
Here are the steps that I’m taking to try to keep everything organized and try not to overlook something.
gute Reise
My travel dreams are coming true in just over 1 week when my husband and I are moving from Austin, Texas. to Zürich, Switzerland!